Come With Me Precious

The slow creaking of the rocker on the hardwood floor
I sit quietly watching her sleep peacefully in the bed.
She still wears her collar as she lies on her side facing me.
Her face is flush with a satisfied passion in the candlelight.

Could there be anything better than a sub so fulfilled?
I see the rope marks on her wrist as it lies on the pillow.
Does she dream of how she was taken earlier?
She stirs and licks the red lips that pleased me.

There is a slight moan as she rolls over and kicks the sheet down.
I follow the curve of her back down to both her pink cheeks.
Well used, they still have the color from the spanking.
I smile when I see the faint outline of my teeth on one.

I continue to rock back and forth as the urge comes again.
She rolls on her back and her breast heave with each breath.
The nipples pink and hard are inviting me again.
Her silhouette from the candlelight dances on the wall.

The rocker slows and I reach for the leather loop of the leash.
She rolls back facing me again and opens her eyes.
A moment passes as we look into each other’s eyes.
She stretches her arms and body seductively for me.

She sits up on the side of the bed spreading her legs slightly.
“May I do something for you kind Sir?”
I walk to her and click the leash on the “D” ring.
“Come with me precious,” as her knees hit the floor crawling.

~ by The Crimson Pen on December 27, 2013.

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